Are your a college student looking to earn more money? Trying to create a side hustle to boost your income, perhaps your trying to pay off your student loans, get out of debt or establish an emergency fund. Whatever your financial goal blogging could be a great option for you.
Note: This post contains affiliate links
Start a blog to earn money
Blogging can be a great way to earn money and can produce different income steams. Whatever you are passionate about from cooking to music there is opportunity for you to earn money blogging.
Starting from the bottom.
You might not have much technical knowledge, but do not fret. You don't need to be a master coder or a journalist to be a successful blogger.
Starting a blog
Starting a blog can feel like and overwhelming process and when I first started I wish I knew what I do now. The internet is full of great resources on blogging but there are a few key elements when starting out.
Deciding your niche/topic
what are you interested and passionate about. What do you want to share with in your life to the world, the options are limitless the most important thing is that you have a genuine interest in that area.
Choosing a name
This can be quite tricky and definitely not something to be rushed into as your blog name is your brand, you can even use your own name (Chris and I's surname is Scott which is where SavingScotts came about). Whilst you can change it at a later date it can be a kerfuffle so try to choose something timeless.
Find a domain name
Once you have chosen your name you want to make sure that a relevant domain is free, you might also want to check that its free on social media sites such as Twitter and Instagram as this will allow continuity.
Most people will chose a .com version (but you may wish to buy other formats in addition). Head to to check the availably of the domain(s) you want. For the beginner blogger they have some great prices including a Special offer of .COM or .CO.UK just £0.99!
Blog host
When you first start out, using Blogger is a great free option and you are able to link your personalised domain to it easily. It allows a significant number of features and allows you to keep your expenditure for your blog log when first starting.
Blogger also allows easy integration with google Adsense, allowing you to integrate an instantaneous revenue stream.
As your blog grows you may wish to switch to self hosting on a site such as The transition from blogger to WordPress is relatively simple, and allows you to make the switch when you are ready.
If you are looking to move to WordPress I would recommend using BlueHost. If you purchase through my link, you can get hosting as cheap as $3.95 a month! They even have a handy guide on how to move between Blogger and WordPress and their 24/7 support are there to help you through the transition.
Earn money from home
Blogging is something you can do from home, around your schedule. Blogging can truly help you gain financial freedom. As a blogger income can come from a variety of different sources including advertising, affiliate programmes and sponsored posts.
We continue to find google ads to be a solid steady source of blog income and it allows you to start earning from day one.
For affiliate programmes we primarily use Awin (formally affiliate window) they allow you to keep you affiliates in one place making the whole process simple to manage.
This Post May Contain Affiliate Links
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Its a wonderful post and very helpful, thanks for all this information. You are including better information regarding this topic in an effective way.Thank you so much
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